27 Jul How to empower your students

Being a teacher is not just about delivering lessons. Students’ development and achievements are determined by several factors and one of these is taking account of their own progress. Turning up for lessons is just one element of their learning, but to reach their full potential, students must be able to make their own decisions and motivate themselves to work harder.
Providing students with greater empowerment is one of the most effective ways to encourage them to take more ownership of their learning.
There are many ways that you can help to empower students, such as:
Allow more decision-making in school
If students are constantly being told what to do, rather than have a say in decisions, they will not learn to take accountability. By giving students more opportunities to make important decisions, they will experience more independent thinking and feel more confident making decisions for themselves.
Encourage more discussions
Another important part of empowering students is to allow them to express their views and ideas, which can be through classroom discussions. Building more time for discussions and creating an environment in which students are confident enough to contribute will help to empower them.
Enable creative expression
At all ages, creative expression gives children a way to express themselves through different activities. In early years, play is an important part of creative expression and as children get older there are more outlets such as drawing, painting, writing, crafts, and music you can utilise. Encouraging children to explore different ways of creative expression is a vital part of their development.
Set problem-solving tasks
The process of solving problems helps children become more analytical and generate new ideas. Setting tasks that require research, analysis, and trying different solutions is another way to empower students.
Promote leadership
Giving students leadership responsibilities is one of the most empowering strategies you can try in school. From giving students leadership roles such as sports captains to using a buddy system for older students to help new students, this experience and sense of responsibility helps build confidence.
Give attention to their passions
Finding out what students enjoy doing and what they are passionate about can help you to develop stronger relationships and make them feel more valued. Taking time to talk about their interests, either one-on-one or in a group setting will give them an opportunity to share their passion. You will usually find that students who are usually less forthcoming in discussions come alive when they are talking about something that they love.
Empowering students at school will not only help them to achieve better academic results but also give them more confidence to take control of situations in their life and make important decisions.
Empowerment encourages students to take ownership of their own learning and personal development, which is even more crucial as they move onto to college, university and start work.
If you are looking for your next teaching role, Worldwide Education Recruitment can help you to find the right type of job for your skills and experience.
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